The only Italian center accredited
by American College of Surgeons
for training through simulation
The first dV-Trainer simulator by Mimic for robotic surgery installed in Italy with full simulated procedures in augmented reality
The latest LapSim simulator by Surgical Science with haptic feedback for simulated laparoscopic procedures in virtual reality
EndoCAS received accreditation from the American College of Surgeons (ACS) in June 2013 as a Focused Accredited Education Institute. It is the only one Italian center accredited by ACS.
At EndoCAS you can find the first dV-Trainer simulator for robotic surgery by Mimic installed in Italy and LapSim by Surgical Science with haptic feedback for laparoscopy.
We offer unparalleled training experience in Italy by combining latest simulators with world-class experts in surgical training.
Book one of our courses
Please, visit this page to find more information on our courses (programs, dates, and prices).